Nine Real Meanings of Plant Catalog Terminology

Nine Real Meanings of Plant Catalog Terminology:

9. “A favorite of birds” means to avoid planting near cars,

sidewalks, or clotheslines.

8. “Grows more beautiful each year” means “Looks like roadkill for

the foreseeable future.”

7. “Zone 5 with protection” is a variation on the phrase “Russian

roulette,” and it’s likely gonna die.

6. “May require support” means your daughter’s engineering

degree will finally pay off.

5. “Moisture-loving” plants are ideal for landscaping all your bogs

and swamps.

4. “Carefree” refers more to the plant’s attitude than to your


3. “Vigorous” is code for “has a Napoleonic compulsion to take over

the world.”

2. “Grandma’s Favorite” — until she discovered free-flowering,

disease-resistant hybrids.

1.”Annuals” means you will only be disappointed once a year.

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